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If there are tweaks and tweaks in the intestines, but nothing is really making progress, it is anything but pleasant and calls for a soothing solution. However, if you do not want to resort to a medicinal laxative right away, you can first try the natural way - after consulting a doctor: Olives for constipation are one of the traditional home remedies and are praised for their effectiveness, especially in Mediterranean areas.
Since olive oil is not an official medication for constipation, neither a guarantee nor a prediction can be given regarding the expected effect.
What is certain, however, is that olive oil is rich in vitamins, unsaturated fatty acids and antioxidants. An optimal prerequisite for supporting the body and intestines with a top-class health boost.
2020 study published in the British Medical Journal shows that a long-term Mediterranean diet can be associated with a reduced likelihood of inflammation and positive effects on healthy gut bacteria in older people. This study was carried out in five different European countries.
Olive oil is one of the most popular traditional home remedies for constipation. In all likelihood, the green gold from Greece owes this to its pleasant, fresh, fruity taste and the fact that it is suitable for preparing a wide variety of culinary delights. The use of olive oil against constipation thus benefits both the palate and the intestines.
How much pure olive oil should you take for laxative? There is no general answer to this and there is also a wide variety of information online on how to dose olive oil for constipation. Dosage recommendations vary between two tablespoons per day and a glass of olive oil with each meal.
Ultimately, everyone has to find out for themselves what is good for their own body and what stimulates their personal digestive system appropriately. However, it should be noted that the intended effect of taking olive oil against constipation can also go to the other extreme. An "overdose" of olive oil sometimes results in diarrhea.
Tip: Many olive oil fans swear by starting each morning with a tablespoon of olive oil on an empty stomach. A lukewarm glass of water afterwards rounds off the energetic start to the day perfectly.
If you do not want to take olive oil pure to combat constipation, you can alternatively rely on one of the following promising dream teams:
Olive oil can also help relieve constipation when combined with fresh olives or other foods.
When selecting a suitable olive oil to use for constipation, it is crucial to review potential oils for quality and manufacturing. In order to invigorate the sluggish intestines with an all-round package that is as healthy as possible, it makes sense to use extra virgin organic olive oils. Only those oils can be described as (extra) virgin if their production is based on a purely mechanical process at a maximum of 27 °C. Valuable ingredients are thus preserved in the best possible way and provide the intestines with the ideal basis for recovery.
The MANI extra virgin olive oil, polyphenol with its extra high proportion of secondary plant substances can even officially bask in its reputation of a health-promoting effect.
How quickly ingested olive oil makes itself felt against constipation depends heavily on your own body. While some react comparatively quickly or sometimes immediately, others wait several hours until improvement occurs. Still others have no effect at all.
How much olive oil should be taken for constipation varies from person to person and is influenced by how quickly and strongly the intestines react to the vegetable oil. This in turn depends, for example, on whether the body is already used to regular olive oil consumption. The average consumption recommendation is one to two tablespoons of olive oil per day.